Introducing our new website, how we got here, what’s new with Rustic Blooms, and GIVEAWAYS!


I bet you thought we were a florist…you’re not alone.

Coming up with a business name is not for the faint of heart! We knew we wanted to incorporate the rustic signs with our combined passion and knowledge for growing plants. (A little history, Toby and I both have degrees in Horticulture and met while working at a Wholesale Nursery). We came up with the name Rustic Blooms and felt this was the perfect marriage of the rustic signs and growing plants. For a while, I had to explain that the “Blooms” part was still a dream, but now it all makes sense.

Our baby is growing up! Finally, after all these years, what was just a dream has come to fruition. It’s been a journey to get here, but we did it! What started out as a hobby, making my own signs, has turned into an actual business! Now, not only are we making signs, DIY Kits, and DIY Sign painting parties, we will also be offering Garden to market fresh produce and cut flowers THIS SPRING! We realized with everything we had to offer, it was time for the next step, we needed a website.



You can help us make Rustic Blooms your everything farm, garden, and DIY sign making “GO-TO” place. We need your feedback! What would you like to see featured in our blogs?

Are you looking for tips and tricks to do in your own garden?

Do you just enjoy seeing what we’re doing here on the farm?

Maybe it’s recipes fresh from the garden.

Or the featured sign of the month

Your input is important to us to ensure that we are providing helpful and informative content.

For every feedback question sent to us, your name will be entered into a drawing to receive 20% off any of our products, including DIY signs, finished signs, or produce boxes. Winners’ names will be selected at the end of each month.

Calling ALL DIY crafters and gardeners!


We know we are not the only experts out there. We would LOVE to see what you are doing in your own gardens! Is your house decorated with DIY signs made from our kits? Please share your photos. We will feature one garden and one sign from YOU, our readers, in each of our blogs. If your photos are chosen to be featured, you will receive a 20% discount on any of our products, including DIY signs, finished signs, or produce boxes. Send photos to our email

Our goal with this website and blog is to be a resource of information, providing knowledge, products, and inspiration to make it possible for you to create a home that’s inviting while providing locally grown produce to feed your family. We hope you will find everything you are looking for here at Rustic Blooms.



Ahhh…Spring is in the air! Or is it??